2019-02-05 17:56 ================ The version at http://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/edtf.html is changed in the following ways for pure XHTML polyglot markup. ## `` * Changed file extension to .xhtml to serve it as a application/xhtml+xml mimetype. * Saved html files as UTF-8 with a Byte Order Mark (BOM). Polyglot requirement: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/#character-encoding * Doctype changed from XHTML transitional to the modern doctype. * Language tags to root html element. [Polyglot requirement]: https://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/#language-attributes * Keywords metadata removed. The keywords metadata name is discouraged. > Many search engines do not consider such keywords, because this feature has historically been used unreliably and even misleadingly as a way to spam search engine results in a way that is not helpful for users. (W3C HTML5.3, 2017) " Standard metadata names", https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/document-metadata.html#standard-metadata-names Google does not use the keywords metadata name. (Google Webmaster Central Blog, 2009) "Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking", https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2009/09/google-does-not-use-keywords-meta-tag.html * Added `` for mobile friendliness. See Responsive Web Design, https://developers.google.com/search/mobile-sites/mobile-seo/responsive-design ## `` * Void elements given closing forward slash. E.g.
> All elements listed as void in the HTML specification or in an extension spec, MUST in polyglot markup have the syntactic form of an XML empty-element tag () [Emphasis added]. https://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/#empty-elements * Removed   entities. We are going to handle spacing with css flexbox. * Changed entity references to literals. You only need to use entity references for characters that are not part of the character encoding, and UTF-8 supports many exotic characters that would otherwise require named entity references. + Changed » to the literal "»". + š to š + ä to ä + å to å * Removed using tables for layout. https://www.lifewire.com/dont-use-tables-for-layout-3468941 * Changed breadcrumb coding to use HTML spec exemplified idiom. https://www.w3.org/TR/html53/common-idioms-without-dedicated-elements.html#bread-crumb-navigation * Removed . Presumed to be a spacing hack. Spacing now done in CSS. * Replaced surrounding ('), (‘ and ’) with . * Replaced “ and ” with literal “ and ”. * Removed empty

. Spacing done in CSS. * Removed wayward
's in the middle of a paragraph that are better as separate paragraphs. E.g. As in

Three conformance levels are defined: level 0, level 1, and level 2. Level 0 specifies features of ISO 8601-1; Levels 1 and 2 specify features described ISO 8601-2.

An implementation must support all of the features listed for Level 0. The vendor must state one of the following levels of support:

* Removed 's that seemed to be spacing hack's, as in (spacing done in CSS)
  • Example 1 156X-12-25
    December 25 sometime during the 1560s
  • * Removed empty elements `

    `, `

    `, `

    ` that seemed to be spacing hack's, (spacing done in CSS) * Removed `
    ` and, instead, wrapped content in `
    ` tags. Section division styling done in Css. * Added `
    ` element that wraps the main content. * Added `
    ` element that wraps most of the page content. Styling (i.e. the box) done against this. * Added `
    ` sections at sensible locations. * Changed `h2` to `h3`; `h1` to `h2` except for "Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) Specification" which remains `h1`. Restyled accordingly. * Replaced `


    ` markup with h4's. * Fixed up "Skip to main content" accessibility link. * Removed explicit `tabindex` attribute from elements so that they get the natural page order (and, in particular, the "Skip to main content" is the first link in the implicit tab order). ## Content changes (that come through to the user) ### General * Eliminated Title text from banner graphic. The article contains a `

    ` heading (and so title). * "Source Code Purified -" added to `` and `<h1>` element. Just as a temporary change so that the page is not confused with the official version. * "Official Website" changed to "Non Official Version". * Under Level 0, Date and Time. Meta syntax '[dateI]' changed to '[date]'. Presumed typo. Also exists in AnnexA word doc. * Under Level 2, Set representation, All members. Changed "[..1984]" to "{..1984}". * Added `<h2>` "Meta" heading. Just to illustrate a consistency of sectioning. * Added `<h3>` "Interval" heading in Level 1 section. * Example list item descriptions (any li child of a class="examples" parent) changed for consistency: + Ending in a full stop `.`. + First word is lower case unless a proper name. * Self anchoring added to `<h2>` and `<h3>` level headings (hover over, click, or press a heading). ### Syntax conventions enforced * Changes to the text where made to conform to the following syntax convention: + Backticks surround code (e.g. "lorem qualifiers `?` and `~`, ipsum" ) so that when copied into a markdown document (e.g. a Github issues textbox) that code will be suitably marked-up. Backticks are used to surround both inline and block code. + Metasyntax string literals are surrounded by double quotes. E.g. [date]["T"][time]["Z"] ## Indexing disallowed. * Robots.txt create to disallow the indexing by google (and other agents). If this source code is imported into the official site, just delete robots.txt to restore normal indexing. ## Printing * datetime-print-pure.css created from scratch, taking a cue from the official datetime-print.css. ## Validation * Validated at https://validator.w3.org/nu/ with one error > Error 77 7 Attribute “value” not allowed on element “input” at this point. ... this references the line ... <input name="search_button" type="image" id="search_button" value="SEARCH" src="images/search.gif" alt="search" /> ... the "value" attribute is not permitted when input type="image" (or "file"). However, this error is left given changing it will break your current process. Recommend a proper refactor.