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XslWebMaker Advanced Instructions - XML Source Files

Process pure ~\Source\*.xml files.

This involves two step processing using two .xslt files:

  1. The first step process takes your pure ~\Source\*.xml file ...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <meetings xmlns="urn:johnbentley:philorum.meetings">
      <meeting date="2005-04-20">
            Prejudice, generalisations, and judging individuals. 
            (Open Forum)
            "I am quietly judging you." defensively slurs Frank TJ Mackey, Tom Cruise in 
            Magnolia (1999), against the reporter exposing fraudulent credentials. 
            Even if we can remove our own:
              <li>prejudice about an individual and/or;</li>
              <li>false generalisations about groups an individual might 
                belong to; </li>
            Are all other types of judgement about individuals wrong? 
            Is it possible not to judge an individual?
        <mc>John Bentley</mc>

    ... and transforms it using an *.xslt file, in the sample ~\Source\pastCalendar.xslt, into a ~\Source\*.html file, in the sample ~\Source\pastCalendar.html ...

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xwmToXhtml.xslt" ?>
    <html xml:lang="en" xmlns:ms="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"
        <table class="tableCalendar" ID="Table1">
          <col class="tableCalendarFirstColumn" />
          <thead onclick="return toggleTableBodyDisplay(this);"
              <td valign="top">Wed 20 Apr 2005</td>
              <td class="summaryBar" valign="top" colspan="3">Prejudice,
              generalisations, and judging individuals. (Open Forum)</td>
          <tbody class="collapsable">
              <td valign="top" colspan="4">"I am quietly judging you."
              defensively slurs Frank TJ Mackey, Tom Cruise in Magnolia
              (1999), against the reporter exposing fraudulent credentials.
              Even if we can remove our own: prejudice about an individual
              and/or; false generalisations about groups an individual
              might belong to; Are all other types of judgement about
              individuals wrong? Is it possible not to judge an
              <td valign="top">
              <td valign="top" colspan="3">
                <p>John Bentley</p>
  2. The second step is to transform this ~\Source\*.html file, ~\Source\pastCalendar.html, using xwmToXhtml.xslt, into ~\WebOut\pastCalendar.html. That is, into valid XHTML ...
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
    <html xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="TableToggle.js" xml:space="preserve">
        <!-- Common head start -->
        <meta name="author" content="John Bentley" />
        <meta name="generator" content="John Bentley's XsltWebMaker." />
        <!-- Common head Finish -->
        <!-- rootHead head start -->
          <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="minimalist.css" />
          <script type="text/javascript" src="webDateTime.js" xml:space="preserve">
        <!-- rootHead head Finish -->
        <div id="topArea">
        <div id="navigation">
        <div id="validators">
        <table class="tableCalendar" ID="Table1">
          <col class="tableCalendarFirstColumn" />
          <thead onclick="return toggleTableBodyDisplay(this);" onmouseover=
          "this.className='commandMouseOver';" onmouseout="this.className='';">
              <td valign="top">
                Wed 20 Apr 2005
              <td class="summaryBar" valign="top" colspan="3">
                Prejudice, generalisations, and judging individuals. (Open Forum)
          <tbody class="collapsable">
              <td valign="top" colspan="4">
                "I am quietly judging you." defensively slurs Frank TJ Mackey, Tom
                Cruise in Magnolia (1999), against the reporter exposing fraudulent
                credentials. Even if we can remove our own: prejudice about an
                individual and/or; false generalisations about groups an individual
                might belong to; Are all other types of judgement about individuals
                wrong? Is it possible not to judge an individual?
              <td valign="top">
              <td valign="top" colspan="3">
                  John Bentley
        <div id="websiteLastUpdated">
          Page updated: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:02 AUS Eastern Standard Time (UTC+1000)

This two step process is initiated within the make.bat. file ...


set xwmDestDir=..\WebOut

@echo Transforming Source .xml files into Intermediate xhtml .......
@echo This outputs as *.html files to source directory.
rem  You probably only will want to customize the next line(s).
cscript.exe xwmEngine\TransformDir.wsf meetings.xml pastCalendar.xslt

@echo Transforming Source files .......
@echo This outputs *.html files to %xwmDestDir%
cscript.exe xwmEngine\TransformDir.wsf /destDir:%xwmDestDir% /destExt:.html

You will need to customize this make.bat. file according to your needs.